What Conditions Do Oral Pathologists Diagnose and Treat?

Most people understand what oral health means but not oral pathology. Put simply, any disease that causes injury or abnormality to your oral cavity is an oral pathology. 


Oral pathologists are specialists who get involved in researching, diagnosing, examining, and treating such oral diseases. When you get a condition or a growth in your mouth, they can help you determine its cause. Below are the conditions that oral pathologists diagnose and treat.


Oral Cancer


Oral cancer affects close to 50,000 individuals in the United States annually. The condition can occur in one’s throat, lips, tongue, and mouth. Early detection can help curb its spread. Your doctor or dentist can be the first specialist to notice signs of oral cancer when you go for your regular screenings.


It is crucial to visit your doctor immediately once you notice unusual sores and lumps in your mouth. Signs and symptoms, such as having a sore throat and red or white patches in your cheeks or tongue, need medical attention. If you also notice chronic voice hoarseness, rush to your oral pathologist.


Canker Sores

Canker sores, known as mouth ulcers, are tiny lesions that develop in the mouth at different spots. Most of these sores are painful but harmless and can resolve after a while. However, some may end up forming scar tissue.

It is ideal to see an oral pathologist if you cannot conduct your usual activities due to canker sores. Doing so will help rule out the possibility of other severe oral problems such as oral cancer.



Macroglossia is a condition where an individual has an enlarged tongue. The problem may have a hereditary component, or one may get it through inherited conditions, such as acromegaly or Down Syndrome. Patients also get it due to some cancers or trauma.

The severity of the condition varies. Your oral pathologist may recommend minimal treatment if the case is mild. Treatment also depends on the cause of the problem. Some patients may need surgery to correct their speech, feeding, and chewing.


Salivary Gland Tumors

Salivary glands can develop benign or malignant tumors that grow as abnormal cells. The cause of this condition is unknown. Patients usually have a painless and firm swelling on one of the glands, which can progress at different rates. If it grows slowly, it may be benign; if fast, it could indicate an infection or a malignant tumor. You may also have difficulty moving a side of your face to signal an advanced or malignant tumor growing in your parotid gland.


Cleft Palate 

Some babies get cleft palates as they develop. The condition arises when the soft tissues of the upper lips and the bony plates found below the skull cannot close the way they should. This defect can occur due to various risk factors, such as family history, diabetes, and maternal obesity. 


People with cleft palates have problems with their feeding, speech, and hearing. The condition also increases the risk of developing dental problems. Oral pathologists can correct cleft palates through surgery.


For more about oral pathology, contact Oral Surgical Associates at our office in Missoula or Hamilton, Montana. You can call (406) 282-8768 to book an appointment today.

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